Brief Introduction of Walmart Inc Walmart Inc is a public multinational retail and wholesale business company that was founded in 1962 by Sam Walton. The headquarter’s office location is in Arkansas, United States, and has approximate 11.510 retail stores worldwide. For more information regarding Walmart’s company profile and info, visit Walmart Inc’s official website at…
Notes on Majesty of Calmness by William George Jordan
Dikutip dari Majesty of Calmness : Individual Problems and Possibilities oleh William George Jordan. Publikasi Tahun 1900. Edit Rod Mann 2011. Revised edition copyright © 2011 by Rodney W. Mann Akses online: I. The Majesty of Calmness Calmness comes ever from within. It is the peace and restfulness of the depths of our…
Jurnal Kerajinan Kulit
Pembukaan Terinspirasi dari artikel di website Art of Manliness mengenai inspirasi hobi, akhirnya Saya berminat memulai hobi baru yaitu kerajinan kulit / leather crafts / leatherworking. Meski baru dimulai pada saat awal 2020, Saya telah membeli alat dan perlengkapan leatherworks ini sejak beberapa bulan sebelumnya. Alat yang Saya beli dan gunakan ialah Junetree 18 in…