When I was looking for financial modeling exercise through the Internet, I found one case from the Association for Financial Professional website. The case involving cost/benefit analysis for two different objects which has their characteristic. The task was to perform excel modeling and create a cost/benefit analysis. case: https://www.afponline.org/ideas-inspiration/topics/articles/Details/recruit-fp-a-staff-with-case-interviews Using Excel, create a cost/benefit analysis showing the…
Reformasi Sosial Lewat Kamera Lewis Hine
Pekerja di bawah umur atau child labor meningkat pesat pada saat terjadinya revolusi industri, salah satu alasannya karena pekerja di bawah umur dapat dibayar lebih rendah sehingga dianggap lebih efisien pada saat dimana kegiatan perekonomi tumbuh cepat kala itu. Berdasarkan sejarahnya, aturan mengenai pekerja di bawah umur telah mengalami beberapa kali perubahan di beberapa tempat….
Master Budget Modeling
It was a task given by my lecturer when I was at Management Accounting Class. The problem is taken from my class’s reference book: Management Accounting by Hansen/Mowen. At that time, i did not know what modeling is, I just used basic excel formulas and referring cell in one sheet to another. these are my…